Business Update Due to COVID-19

I wanted you all to know that I am continuing to keep a very close eye on the COVID-19, return to work policy. I’m hopeful we will all return to businesses as usual soon. While some businesses have chosen to reopen to the public, I have decided to continue doing readings over the phone for now. For the safety of everyone, I feel the risk is not a necessary action at this time. Even with this modification in place, I have been blessed with keeping my numbers, clients and level of business normal during this time. Thank you to all of you for trusting in spirit and the work that I do, even when it’s on the phone. My methods for clearing and getting into channel remain the same as if we were in the office, face to face. If you would like to book a phone reading session, please use my online booking system to see availability and secure your appointment. If you would rather contact me personally, feel free to text or call me at 770-712-4010 or email me at I will continue to keep everyone updated through my website, email, social media and my Google listing. To book online: love to you all, BethIf you’re looking for more ways to protect yourself and your loved ones, check out the CDC website.

Thank you so much for sticking with me. I look forward to supporting each other during these challenging times.
Beth Peters, Psychic & Medium110 East Andrews Dr. NWAtlanta GA 30305Suite 201

My Testimony – My Happy Place

This is my happy place! I am so blessed to be able to do what I love for a living! So many people ask me how I did it. This is my story and testimony of faith. Enjoy reading it and feel free to share it with others.

A few years ago, in a fit of frustration, during open enrollment, I remember praying and asking for a way to make a little more money a month without working two jobs. This was because my health insurance had gone up so much that after 18 years in the school system, I was actually bringing home less money than I started at. This included step raises and cost of living raises over the years. Not only did I want to make more money, but I wanted to have more freedom now that my five kids had gotten older and were starting to move away. I needed more flexibility to go visit them when they needed me. There was also this burning desire to get to know more people and to work on a different level with those who came for my help. I was already working extra at night and weekends doing readings and intuitive guidance for people, but I was exhausted trying to keep up with both jobs. When I prayed that day, I clearly heard that I would never make more money or have flexibility and time with others as long as I stayed in the school system. I actually panicked when I heard this voice within me. I couldn’t imagine not retiring in the system I was vested in and had worked for the past 18 years. I didn’t know anything different. What would I do? I continued to ponder and pray that evening. To say I was in shock would be an understatement. That night, out of the blue, my husband tells me he would like to compare the cost of our health insurance since it was his open enrollment too. I had always covered our health insurance because we always assumed it was better through my job. So, I thought to myself after we compared cost that this must have been the solution. His health insurance was actually cheaper this time. I couldn’t believe the crazy timing and thought it was the answer to my prayer. But it didn’t stop there. I told my husband how strange it was that he should bring this up today. I told him about my prayer and asked his advice about what job I could do now that I didn’t need to stay in the school system for the insurance anymore. I told him how I desired more flexibility and money. He literally laughed and looked at me with a face as he said, “You don’t see it? The answer is right in front of you. Open your own business and do what you love!” Why had this not occurred to me? I couldn’t even imagine what this would look like! I have never owned a business and had no idea where to start. I appreciated his confidence in me but I felt completely out of balance even considering it. We depended on my income and the thought of not making my regular paycheck every month was too much! I went to sleep that night and heard the voice within me again the following morning. I was told that I was “created to serve” and that it was time for me to use my calling. I laughed and had a mini argument with my guides as we discussed what I was called to do. I joked with them that if I were to do this, then they would need to pay my bills! I heard, “DEAL”! I said, “Ok, you lead and I will follow.” So that was it, a decision had been made! Because of the position I held at the school, I needed to turn in my notice as soon as possible with the knowledge that I would continue working until mid June. I thought to myself how I had several months to plan my business and build up clientele. All I needed was directions and faith! It wasn’t that easy … I had no idea how much work it would be to prepare leaving a position after so many years. I had very little time to dedicate my extra work at night and weekends which was supposed to be my new business after June. I had no time to build my clientele. In May, I started to freak out a little and thought, “what in the world had I done?” It was too late to change my mind and there was no sign of a thriving business ahead. I prayed again and again, asking what I was to do. Every time I heard the same thing, “Trust”. My last day on the job was finally here. It was bittersweet packing my boxes and saying goodbye to a career that had been so good to me and my family. I had a knot in my stomach as I thought about the future missing paycheck in August. I seriously felt lost as I walked out of the school building. BUT, then it happened! My phone started blowing up with requests for readings! Right then and there as I was driving home, my phone was going crazy! I couldn’t believe it! Not only did I not have time to work on the business during the last few months, but I was in a position where I couldn’t tell anyone I was leaving. All my plans of advertising and building clientele was almost impossible. How in the world was this happening? Then I heard the voice, “I told you to have faith and that I would pay your bills. Now go do the work.” I cried with excitement as I truly felt my hand being held and the guidance being downloaded into my heart. I learned how to manage a business as I went along and not only did I earn the amount of money I would have gotten in August, but I doubled it! My business has continued to thrive and grow with abundance and love as I live in a flow of trust and service. It remains to be my full time employment without the need for extra jobs. As I continue to grow in my calling, my heart is full and I am so grateful!

Thank you for reading my story and my testimony of faith. My hope is that it will inspire you to find your Happy Place!

To book an appointment with me, see me at my office in Buckhead or schedule a phone reading, go to the link below or contact me at 770-712-4010 Address: 110 East Andrews DR NW, Atlanta GA 30305 Suite #201

  • Psychic Readings
  • Medium Readings
  • Intuitive Life Guidance
  • Intuitive Couples Guidance
  • Reiki & Energy Healing
  • Animal communication
  • Group Reading Events
  • Public Speaking
  • Teach Psychic Development & Animal Communication

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